View Profile Nikenick

Age 42, Male

Joined on 12/29/07

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It's a myth in Japan.
Like Bigfoot, only that it's a fat, short snake.

omg a fat short snake?

lol he's fat and short, just like dwarfs...

Haha, yeah.
A fucking dwarf snake. O.o

We must kill all dwarfes before they release this snake!

Grab a shotgun and let's get started.

I'd rather use a bitcher knife, but let's go killing..

Ze butcher knife?

Yes that's what I said...

Oh, ok.
I thought you said "I WANT TO SUCK YOUR DICK!".

Sorry.. I'm not participating in your sexual fantasies..

But you said you would put on a 12 inch dildo and fuck me in the ass. =(

... You're so gay...

awesome pic man!

Thanks.. Thanks... and uhm.. Thanks...

(Indian accent)

Ok ok... sorry man..

O HI~!


y r u gay?

I'm not, I had 3 girlfriends before so that proves I'm not...
The reason that you're calling me gay is that you're gay yourself, and you try to hide it by calling other people gay..
Little dumb kid..

Also Nikenick you keep flirting with agustana, keep in mind she lives in Ohio and you live in The Netherlands where it is clod and boring and crap and crap and crap...

I know she lives in Ohio, but distance shouldn't affact the way you treat eachother.
I'm not being an asshole against everyone who's not living in Europe...
Maybe you should do the same..

I'm only acting like this to support you, Nikenick.
Being a homosexual in the netherlands ain't easy.

Also, well said, Dools. =D

Like I said at Dools' respond, I'm not gay..
And it isn't easy being a homosexual in the Netherlands, cuz I bully them sometimes..

I think you're the one who's gay, cuz you're spamming cocks everywhere..
You also seem to have a boring life, you're 18 and you're online alot..
Get some friends dude, or don't you have any because you say Cocks in every single sentence and because you're gay?

I think you're mentally confused too, first you say you aren't gay, then you want to put a 12 inch dildo in my ass... Really you're a sick basterd who should go to a psychist..

You're 18... get a life..

congratulation for your rank is up!

Thanks man!

i said thgat because you said holy cow

lol I understand now, pretty funny =b

Get a life? O.O
I'm not the one who's online 9/7, man.
I work with Rock blasting, a highly advanced, difficult job, and I am a part time professional model.
I make more money than people my age ever will.
I have more friends than I could ask for, and I have a girlfriend I love.
I also have a perfect body, and I am extremely confident.
I have succeeded at life.

I can't believe you actually took this seriously, especially considering that we are on Newgrounds.
Cock jokes are more common than virgins here.
You haven't pissed me off, but you have made my day so much better. :)

Let me have a moment to laugh my fucking ass off at your sad attempt to insult me.

*laughs his ass off*

Ok, I am done. =D =D =D *smiley's added for annoyance.*

I might be on alot, but there's a difference in our age..
Really, you're 18 and you're more online then a 15 year old kid, that sounds pretty pathetic...

Could you give me any more information about the Rock Blasting thing?
I can't judge on that until I know what you do ( like are you sitting behind your desk or working somewhere in the mountains).
And modelling isn't really that hard compared to other jobs, I don't think you studied anything to acchieve the position you've gained now..
And you can actually go to the gym for your work...

And I know you have a pretty good life for your age, probaly better then my life will be at your age, but I'm smart and I think I'm gonna become a pilot, I'll be done studying at age 22 then and then my life will be perfect...

Go out with your friends like I do, everyone can say the he haves alot of friends but still, I see you online like the whole day so that means you're not going out of your house with your friends to do stuff..

I don't have the perfect body yet, but I have for my age... Still.. time will gain me it..

And I've said get a life like: Don't go spam cocks on everyone's page and calling people gay who you've never met in real life..

I did take this seriously, and you know why?
Cuz I beated up someone today so I'm already pissed about everyone calling me gay.. And you should know better since you're 18 and not a little kid anymore..

I didn't tried to insult you, I'm not trying to insult anyone here on Newgrounds..
I'm just defending myself cuz I don't like it when people call me gay if they don't even know me..

Ok I'm done now...

I'm just defending myself as well.
If people tell me that I have no life, or that I am pathetic, I always go on the defensive, no matter who says it.

Look up rock blasting on Wikipedia. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blasting">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blasting </a>

I'm online whenever I'm home, seeing as my computer is right next to my TV, weights, and my kitchen.

When you're 18, you don't go hanging around outside of fucking burger king with your friends.
It's different when you're an adult.

I'm not going to argue and explain my entire life to a 15 year old.

Also, I don't think Newgrounds is the best place for you to hang out, seeing as you can't take a joke without going haywire.

Well since you always go defensive as well, you should understand the reason why I reacted that way..

The first thing I did is looking up Rock Blasting on Wikipedia, but my question was: are you actually blasting some rocks or just sitting behind a desk, thinking which Rock should be blown up next?
And wikipedia isn't trustable, see that big edit bottom on top of the page?
I could change everything what's standing there right now, every moron could type something that looks like the truth, so it won't be deleted..

I don't mean hanging around outside a fucking burger king, the thing I mean is like going to some cool places to chill out with your friends with some beer(just an example, or any other drink).
And I know quite alot about life when you're 18+ , I got 2 cousins who both are 18+ , and since my family is quite tight, I know alot about their lifes..
They both live in a big city, and they both hang out alot with their friends..

And the Cock thing was pretty funny, but I think this isn't funny anymore.. Calling people gay is a different thing then saying "hahahahaha cock hahahaha"

I work out in the field.
I've never had a desk job, and I probably never will. -_-

Let's start over, without any gay jokes then. =D

Ok, I can choose if I wan't to do physical work or sitting on my desk
Since I'm doing the hardest education in the Netherlands I can choose alot of good jobs and since I'm not weak I can do physical work. ( but I doubt I'll get as much payed as you when I'm 18, since my study is done when I'm 22).

Sounds like a great idea to start over =D

It's a great idea. =D
So, what kind of job do you want later on in life?
I didn't really decide until last year. -_-

I really don't know specificly, but I already know I'm gonna follow some lessons called:
Air and Spacetechniques.
My friend also likes this and we've informed at a college about how to make Rockets, we're gonna try to make one soon =b
Pilot will be great, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna be one..

By the time you're 18, you've probably changed your mind 200 times. -_-

Don't blow your hands off with that rocket now, lol.

Well, I'm going leaving now.
Gonna go bowling with some friends.
I hate bowling. It's boring after the first game.

I already changed my mind 300 times -_-

lol I won't =b

Yeah same here, the first game is quite fun, but after that it get's boring..
And my accuracy is horrible cuz I have too much power...

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