View Profile Nikenick

Age 42, Male

Joined on 12/29/07

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Well, if you count dust clouds in the asteroid belt, there is a possibility. The friction would make it easy.

Well, sometimes I can channel small amounts of electricity from my right hand and wrist to and from objects with minimal scorching. i have a reconstructed hand and wrist, that's why.

Well ok, but it's really really really hard..

That's really cool!
You can give people shocks =b

Yeah... It's unlikely, but possible...

Again, yeah, but I'm not so good at storing electricity unless you take a nine volt battery and a capacitor, or just a fully charged capacitor and make sure it sticks on me. Without the capacitor, I am able to store around 12-18 volts. My dad has a meter, and my natural electricity is equal to exactly 1.3 volts

Gosh that sounds so cool...
You can produce your own electricity!

I don't have to produce it, I just walk around in socks all day and there it is... It kinda sucks though when you get shocked every time you touch the TV and you can't turn it off without it coming back on the instant you stop touching the button. I have to poke like million things before I go to sleep as well to keep from shocking Mady

Ok I get it now, it's just natural...

Well those things can be pretty sucky, but I think it's so awesome that you can do this..

It's definitely good for when you get in a fight, or some other tough situation, but not much else.

As for shocking people, it depends on whether I'm grounded by rubber soled shoes, and how much electricity is flowing through my body. I guess you could say I have an 'electric' personality

Yeah I could imagine, someone hits you and get's a shock rofl...

Hmm ok... how 'shocking'

If you look in my pic, my hair is standing up in the back. Now you know why, lol

woah really?
I think your hair looks very hot though..

Yup, and thanks :P

You're welcome ^_^

I think it's great how your mascara matches your hair and that thing in your hair ( I forgat the word) matches your shirt..

Mady did my hair before I took the pic, so you can thank her. The pink thing is a bow, by the way.

Also, mascara goes on the eyelashes, and eyeliner goes on the lids. Lots of other stuff, but atleast you know the word. Most guys just collectively refer to it as makeup

Thanks Mady =b

Well I know alot about girl stuff too, I mean you have to know the girls to get girls right? =)

Yeah, and that's why girls have the advantage when it comes to bi girls, lol

But you just act normal and I have to act like I'm loving all that girly stuff =b

LOL That has to be the funniest thing I read all day

lol but it's true, men act differently when there are hot woman around..

I noticed that long ago

I have to admit, I'm more roughly against men then woman...
I don't punch woman =b

Girls are the only people I don't hit, lol. Weird, eh?

Nope, that's great =b
You shouldn't hit girls =D
You should hit men, HIT ME PLEASE


lol, but it is sweet of you to offer. I don't hit my friends though

I'd never hit you too =3

And I know we'd both never hit Kaylee, right?

I would never hit Kaylee!

I would protect you both with my life!

I'd do the same for you both, and we know damn well that I do her bidding without question.

I know you would =)

I'd do your and her bidding without question anyday, anytime..

Who wouldn't?

I don't know if somebody else would though =/

Who would that be?

How about almost everyone in NG?

Well, she's got us, right?

Yes, and we got eachother =3

Then who's got all of us?

Me, I'm the oldest =b

No, me, I'm an 8th degree black belt

I'm the tallest and the strongest !

Lets just make that both of us :P

lol ok XP

I'm stronger and taller then you are, but you'd probaly kick my ass in a fight anyway since you're 8th degree black belt and I don't hit pretty girls..

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