I'm going to Italy for 4 weeks tomorrow, so I won't be online for a long time.
There will be 2 people depositing for me, and they can post in the BBS if they want.
So this account WILL BE ACTIVE only IT'S NOT ME.
I'll be back in 3-4 weeks, I wish you all a great time when I'm gone.
Cya later!
Comment and get a cookie! The person with the most cookies wins!
Shadowwest2k7 got 7 cookies now! Is he gonna win? You should do something about it!
CHANGE OF PLANS, we're leaving Sunday now XD
Ok, I'm gone Newgrounds!
Cya later!
ShadowWest2k7 here, depositing for Nick.
ATTENTION TO ANY IDIOTS WONDERING WHERE NICK HAS GONE : If you actually read this news post, you can clearly see Nick has gone on hols for 4 weeks. When I get PMs with titles saying 'OMG WHERES NICK?!' naturally, I have to reply to tell these dumbasses to read this news post, even though I was given strict orders NOT to reply at all.
Thank you.
MAJOR EDIT: I managed to catch Nick on MSN (he was on his mobile phone) and he said he'll be back on Thursday or Friday!
*snuggles* ill miss you nick :(
I'll miss you too Jaclyn =(