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Age 42, Male

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The Truth about Cericon!

Posted by Nikenick - August 30th, 2008

He pussys out when he's losing a discussion!

*a conversation before this was going on too, we came to the conclusion that I'm kinda homophobic sometimes*


And the nice part I left out is: Homophobics are 90% of the time, closet gays.


I like girls too much for that.


Telling yourself you do and always will love girls.


Drunk girls on the beach ftw ;)


See you in front of the closet.


You know that I once have beaten up a classmate for calling me gay?
Seriously, I don't like it. SO STOP IT!

Note: He called me gay alot of times before this conversation, and I asked him to stop it before, but then nicer. But I asked him to stop again now.


I've beaten people for saying bands I like sucked, anime sucks, and that one of my friends suck.
I'm more hardcore than you.


I don't fight much, but nobody fucks with me cuz of my strenght and skills(Jiu jitsu)


No body fucks with me because I'm a raging psycho path.
Or so they think.


One of my friends is a raging psycho path, he hitted 3 teachers once.
I know how to handle raging psycho paths.



I also have an extensive collection of swords and knives.
Do you know how to handle raging psycho paths with swords and knives?


Only weaklings fight with weapons.



It's if I needed one because someone like you would be a pussy and get a group of people to fight.
Or fight dirty.

Closet Gay.
Posting Message!


I would NEVER take a group of people with me, I fight fair because I have self-respect.

You have so much to learn about life, youngling


We're the same age, you fucker!


Your mind is young and unexperienced, my friend.


I know more about life and the world than you.


You're an average American, you know nothing about life outside America but you think you do.
Have you ever been OUTSIDE America? You know, other continents maybe?


Also, don't give a shit about other places.


Just like I thought, you're such a naïve American.


You're just jelous.


Yes, I'm very jealous that I'm not an American.
I really would have wanted to be dumber, knowing nothing about the outside world and I'd love to eat fastfood every day.


The top 10 academys in the world, 7 are American including the number one academy.
And I'm sure you enjoy living in an underpriveledged country.


Yup, that's just because America is gigantic compared to the Netherlands.
We're way smaller but that means that everything is way better here, I'd call America the underpriveledged country.


How are we underpriveledged when we have everything you guys wish you had?


We can drink when we're 16 here.
We don't have dumb discussions about gay marriages and euthenesia here.


3 Things.
We drink whenever we want and rarely get caught.
We have no fags here.
Your mother is a whore.


You're so weak, whenever I have some good points you just say simple stuff like 'OMG UR A FAG'
I can totally break you if wanna play it that way.

You might remember that discussion we had a long time ago ( we met eachother then) , you got really pissed off at me on a certain point.

I can go even further then that, so what you wanna do?


Go for it. The weakest ones are the people who think they can break others.


Yup, you're really imitating me.
Try to be original, stupid.


I wasn't imitating you.
And what happened to breaking me? Did you honestly think I'd back down if you waved that in front of me? How stupid.


Yes you were, I posted like almost the same sentence the whole time, so either you're imitating me or you got a lack of originatly. I guess it's the second thing.

It takes time, but only morons wouldn't understand that.


Go. Go and find that sentence or a sentence like that in any of our PMs. I will acknowledge that you win the arguement.

Also, way to completely ingnore the breaking thing.


You're imitating my sentences that I leave at the end of every PM, that's what I'm talking about.

You're so dumb, you can't break someone by just saying 1 thing or stuff, it takes time and alot of effort.
I got both, just wait.


Since you fail to provide me with any proof I conclude that you are both a liar AND a thief.

And, good luck with that, because so far your attempts at arguing and insulting me have been laughable.


Well you give me proof why I'm a liar and a thief then.

Since I haven't been really trying, it will come.. don't worry.


"totally break you i I can f I wanna play it that way."
"Yes you were, I posted like almost the same sentence the whole time,"
More lies.
"I'm not gay."
Biggest lie.

You fail at trolling, flaming, and arguing.
Wow, you're a triple failure.


I don't call that evidence, I call that opinions.

I haven't even tried anything , yet you judge me. How stupid.

You fail at life, everyone who loves you is dead. You probaly cry every day asking GOD why your dad had to die.

Yes, you're still so primitive that you believe in God.


HAHAH! If that's even close to your best, then I'm lol'ing.
Everyone loves me. My dad died because that's how it went down. And I don't give opinions, I give facts.
While you're in your cold, small, poor, underpriveledged and sorry excuse for a country, I sleep in a nice warm bed with an A.C. on even though it's cold already, my friends and family love me and it's a joy to be around me. You should thank whatever it is you people pray to that I even lower myself to speak to someone like you. Compare your life to mine, then kill yourself.


I can say that everybody loves me too, so yeah this is a pointless argue.
Only the person himself here knows what's true and what's not.

And don't you know anything about economics? America is in a crisis because of the war in Iraq, which makes euros worth more then dollars.
Damn, you're dumb. And The Netherlands is one of the richest countries of Europe so we're basicly in a better economic situation then you Americans.

Oh, you wanna compare lifes?

Hmm... you got nearly 7k posts in 16 months. I'm sure your friends love you because you're wasting your life on a shitty internet site. And I'm sure your friends love you too for being a psychopath.
I'm sure that your mother always wanted to raise a raging psychopath that's on the internet all by herself, since your father didn't succeeded at life.

The only reason why you're almost never on the internet is because your laptop isn't working.

My life is way better then yours will ever be, I broke some school records with running, I'm good looking, I'm really highly educated, my future is good looking since there aren't much people that can do the job that I wanna do ( but it's needed), I have alot of girls surrounding me every day and I had alot of girlfriends.

7k posts in less than 2 years... I envy you and your successful social life.
Your dad would be proud of you.


You're not the fist person to write several paragraphs about me, although you're the second who've I've not bothered to read.
You've obviously gotten your period so go change your tampons, I'll be doing something with myself.


So how do you know that the paragraphs are about you, if you didn't read them?
I know you did, and the thing that you're doing is probaly crying in a corner, you stupid emo.
Go cut yourself.


Crtl+f, you.
And I gave the PM a glance.
I said, "How pathetic is it to write this much about a single person. I wont even read it."
And I didn't.


It's even more pathetic that the persons claims that he didn't read it because he knows that he can't win the discussion.
You're so weak that you can't even admit that you can't win.
Yeah right, cutting yourself fits perfectly with your weak personality.


That arguement is so weak.
I'm sorry if I don't want to read the ramnblings of an idiot telling me how much of a dick or how wrong I am.


You know what's even weaker? Insulting a person and then when the person writes a really long paragraph then you don't read it.

First you WANT to have a discussion with me and then you don't even bother to read it because it's too long?
You're so pathetic and you act like a little boy, are you sure that you're 16?


No, you just got your period. Insulting someone about their age is the best way to admit that you've lost.
You have one more PM after this before I decide that you're annoying me and block you, if it isn't an appoligy then I'll block you.
Don't waste it on a petty insult, if you're going to insult me, make it good.


Blocking me just results in that I have to use my other 10 accounts on NG, and it's really weak.
Apology for what? You're the one who started this whole argue and started insulting me.
You remember? I guess you don't because you have so less braincells.


Appoligy for spewing your vagina blood everywhere.
Only 10 accounts? Pfft. I can bring down an army of alts upon you.
Bye Nick, way to be a dick.
Also, allow me, "Blocking me means you admit defeat." or something like that.

Awww... little Cericon blocked me.. isn't he cute?
How weak and cute isn't he a little cute bunny wunny?


hahaha nice convo
i am thoroughly impressed.

Thank you =)

right ive read the first part and my thought are. i think near the begging of the argument it did get a bit childish on both parts but more so cercion. now i could get on my morale high horse right now and say someting like you shouldnt flip out on someone over the internet cuz its not worth it but im nto going to, because i know full well how fustrating it can be dealing with ignorant fucks such as cerciion mentioning no names HATERSNIGHTMARE and KEASTONE. ill read the rest now and tell you what i think

Alrighty man, I think I was a bit childish in the start but I was just getting along a bit.

alos the fact he stated america have no gays/fags is fucking sad and shows how untielligent he really is

I think we got an agreement here.

woahhh 4 comments already?!
you really are mr. popular haha
how's schoooool and stuff?

MSN friends XD

Well I'm enjoying the weekend now but I got a few tests this week.

wait. does this guy seriously think holland is in the third world or somthing? what an asshole

And I made a whole blog about Holland, I guess he can't read.

ouch you got him dude. looks like he couldnt compete lol. did he run out of facts about why america is so great? and wth all those fresh jokes he was coming out with SARCASM. but yeah why do people such as him even exist

He couldn't win so he said that he didn't read it and blocked me.


I perfer not to argue, arguing for stuff like that is just dumb.

The reason why was dumb, but he deserved it.

hes is a fucking cancer

Only worse.

I really highly doubt that conversation really took place.

I can show you screenshots to prove it.

Btw name change.

lol Ben.

Why didn't you just take a picture of that?

Because that would take even longer.

oh mean, your comments just keep on increasing and increasing haha :p

I need more! ;)

oh man**
haha :P

I'm not mean =b



CBF reading all that so give me a 1/2 sentence summary plz? Kthx. Also check my new vid, sick beat boxing!

You need to read it all or you'll judge the situation when you don't know every detail.

oh, haha. Nicely done.

Thanks ! =D

Wow, Cericon was a total dick to you. I hope he gets hit by a bus full of angry circus elephants.


I'm not taking sides here, but you gotta admit that you both acted really childish. I also doubt that he ''pussied out''. I'm sure that anyone would have done the same.

But that's just me. I'm just throwing my opinion down here.

I know that we both acted childish, but that's Cericon.
I normally always get along with him and act childish too.

Yes, I'm sure that anyone wouldn't read a paragraph in a discussion.

lol.... so cute of him for blocking you


What a fucking asswipe. Good one Nick.

Yup. Thanks!

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