Yesterday, my mom and I talked alot about me being on the computer and Wii so much.
I had a holiday job, and she thinks that I should have a job right now.
I already sport 5x a week, so I'm pretty busy but she still thinks that I have to get one.
I agree a bit with her, but I'm not sure if I can handle all of this.
So yeah, getting a job means that I won't be online this much anymore, and my parents are going to limit the amount of time I can go online.
But the good thing about this is that I'll get more money = more money to go out = seeing alot of drunk people = drunk girls = girlfriend??
Well that's my logic =b
So anywaysssss.......
Here's my friend list + discriptions ( zomg zomg).
My best friends ( list in alphabetical order):
Andrea364 - I consider her my best friend on Newgrounds. She's one of my first friends and we've talked alot since we met eachother.
She's a really nice and kind person, and she always trys to help me out when I got a problem, I appriciate this much <3
She's kinda wacky sometimes but I love that ^_^
Azutom - He's a n****r who loves to suck cocks and put sharp objects in his dickhole.
Ehm... wtf?
Black-Ops - He's a pretty good Brawler, and a nice guy. Too bad that he can only Brawl on sundays.
We also talk on MSN sometimes.
Bilna - He makes pretty cool graffiti, he made me one too.
We talk alot on MSN.
Danny13 - He's a good flash artist, too bad that he deleted all his flash submissions because he hates this site.
He never goes on though, but I thought I should mention him since we talk alot on MSN and we brawl alot too.
Dools - He's a pretty nice guy but he's awkward.
He believes everything you say, rofl.
But he's nice, we talk on MSN.
And you still need to get WiFi, fucker >=)
Fullarsenal - Why the fuck did he changed his name? BenjaminBigelow was way better!
Anyways, he's kind of funny but I wish that he wouldn't spam fox so much ;)
MSN again, lol.
Gothclawz - I admire him because he can do really cool stuff with MSN and with the internet.
His life is only a bit pathetic, he claims that he's going to kill himself soon. =(
Please don't do it..
Irishgun - He makes wacky and really nice drawings, I love his drawing style and his humor is pretty funny too.
jaxpv - Not much to say about this guy. He's a good Brawler and he we talk on PM's
Kagoe - She's a huge Naruto fan and she makes awesome drawings. We talk ALOT on MSN, I think I talk to her the most out of anybody on Newgrounds :o
karlu20 - We used to talk alot, and she's a really kind person. Sadly, she's always busy now and we don't really have good conversations anymore.
Stop playing runescape.. I miss you =(
kRaZyAzN - He's a good brawler and he's asian!
He needs to improve more but he beats me sometimes...
When I use bad characters, yes =b
marianne13 - She's really kind, we talk alot and she added me on MSN but she never came online :o
Still, the orgy with RobotTaco was nice.
Niknk - Her nickname looks alot like mine :o
She's really nice, I love her typing style and she makes awesome drawings.
We talk on MSN alot when she's on, too bad she haves a busy life.
ShadowWest - What happened to the 2k7? I don't know. Anyways he sucks at Brawl, Mario Kart and Strikers Football. Nah joking, he's a cool guy who owns a Wii, a Xbox 360 and a PS3??? DAMN YOU, STEPHEN.
He can get angry a litle fast so I 'tease' him sometimes for fun, but I love him =b
Oh, he's the person who sent me my first PM.
And MSN.
Revert-07 - The younger brother of Black-Ops, he's a good brawler.
He's not really active on Newgrounds, but we talk on MSN and I helped him with a girl ;)
RobotTaco - He's such a fascinating guy, his point of view is so interesting. I learn alot from this guy and I think he doesn't realizes that.
He's really kind, and he knows what he wants in life.
And he always makes me laugh ^_^
X-creep - My best friend in life, the reason that I came to Newgrounds is because of him.
He's sadly just on Newgrounds to watch flash movies, I think he'd be a good poster on the BBS.
Yes guys, nobody is a greater friend then he is, be jealous ;)
AbstractPathologist - His posts are always funny, and I think that he looks alot like me.
And I'm sleepy now so I can't really write good discriptions -_-
Animetal - I know this guy for a really long time, but we started to be friends since a few weeks.
Nice guy, he only makes too much blogs about school ;)
I know that I missed alot of guys, but I'm not sure who really are my friends right now.
So if you think that you're my friend, just comment and I'll probaly put you up.
Don't worry if you're not on the list and just comment!
Oh, and I will post another picture of myself later with my new haircut, my hair is a bit shorter now (I'll probaly take the picture without shirt, I'm not sure yet).
wow i am 4th on the list......thanx
It's in alphabetical order.. but you're welcome.